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Home » LISTEN: The Dangers of Pride: it kept God’s people out of the Promise Land; Don’t be a victim of Pride

LISTEN: The Dangers of Pride: it kept God’s people out of the Promise Land; Don’t be a victim of Pride


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the dangers of pride and how it kept God’s people out of the promise land.  The human race has the tendency to default to pride.  Many are familiar with the obvious forms of pride, the self centeredness; how everything revolves around them; they are the epicenter of life and that things don’t make sense unless it makes sense to them however many often miss false humility as pride.  These are the people that don’t do anything for God because they keep talking about the talents they don’t have and then when they begin to move in the things of God it’s all about them.  They judged themselves and don’t want others to judge them.  Moses saw this first hand when God used him to lead His people into the Promised Land.  The truth is that God was in love with a flawed people.  Greg recounts the journey when God brought the Israelites through all the miracles, all the provisions, all the signs and wonders yet throughout this journey, their pride way of thinking they knew best ultimately cost them from entering the Promised Land.  They realized that just because they got what they wanted didn’t mean that God was pleased with them.  The church has been walking in pride before God.  It’s time to get our house right and in order.  It’s not the building that says what the church is; it’s all about the people of God.  It’s time to define the church the way God has defined it. It’s us the people of God who is the church.  It’s time to deny ourselves and follow the Lord in humility; total dependency on God.



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