Pat’s Healthy Birthday Cake
Greg, John, and Chris roast Pat on his birthday. Pat enjoys healthy food and staying fit. Greg shares how he was able to bless Pat with a special cake for Pat’s special needs. He made him a cake with a head of lettuce at the base with carrots poking out of it while everyone else enjoyed the delicious butter finger cake Donna made. Enjoy!!!
Palm Sunday!
Greg, John, and Pat discuss Palm Sunday. Jesus is Emmanuel- God with us. Jesus took the form of a man to show us what Father God was like. In Mark 11 in God’s word we find that Jesus rides into Jerusalem on donkey. The King of kings and Lord of lords humbly approached Jerusalem. The Bible is not a historical but an operational manual to the ways of God. As Jesus approached Jerusalem the people waved palms and shouted Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna which means save us, save us, save us. Jesus is the savior of the world and Palm Sunday is one week before we celebrate Easter, Resurrection Sunday, when Jesus died on the cross for our sins that we might have abundant life.
Swedes Deport Christians back to Iran where they will be imprisoned and Killed
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the Swedish government is deporting Christians back to Iran although they know the Christian converts will face heavy persecution involving prison and death. The Christians that are being deported are former Muslims, if found out that they have converted to Christianity they will be killed. These Iranian Christians have no family or place to go back to in Iran. They continue to encourage us no matter what is offered, not to lay down your love and loyalty for Jesus and the Jews. “Don’t do it.” They want you to sacrifice them much like what we have already seen. Greg, John, and Pat continue to share how the enemy is still into sacrifices such what was seen on a reality TV talent program where a young teenage boy band sang in front of the world with blood that was placed on their eyes and body. You may not be on a stage in front of Simon Cowell but you may be selling out. Repent today and don’t lay your love and loyalty down for Jesus and the Jews.
Living the Crucified Life the way to abundant Life
John, Greg, and Pat discuss living the crucified life in Galatians 2:20. As Christians we are called to walk in complete oneness with God. We are to take His yoke upon us and walk with Him. John the Baptist said I must decrease and He must increase speaking of Jesus. Before Jesus could ever be willing to go through physical crucifixion He had already lived an inward crucified life. Jesus did not live for himself but for the one who sent him. We too must live a crucified life in our soul; what we think, feel, and want so that we can truly begin to live the abundant life God has always destined for us.