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Home » What’s the POINT? Hear, Hear; Do, Do; Who Do; Hear, Do?

What’s the POINT? Hear, Hear; Do, Do; Who Do; Hear, Do?


LISTEN NOW! It’s amazing how many people go through life not asking themselves, why am I doing what I’m doing? Greg and Pat discuss that there are three types of people and ask, which one do you want to be? The first is a person who is called a hear hearer, someone who goes through life hearing sermon after sermon and makes plans to hear the next. The second person is called a do doer, one who goes about doing and only concerned about what others are doing and not even concerned with how they are doing. The third are called Who do’s. People who think they are what they do and if they didn’t have any gifts or talents they wouldn’t know who they were. Jesus says in Matthew 7:21 many will come to me on that day and say Lord, Lord  will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven but only those who do the will of my Father. The will say, did I not prophesy, heal the sick and feed the poor. Many will say, didn’t I do… Jesus will say I never knew you away from me you evil doers.

Greg shares with us that God is looking for hear doers, those who hear and do. James 2:18 says, I‘ll show you my faith by what I do. Greg goes on to say, if you are one of these three, I have good news for you. Your faith can be made complete by hearing God’s word hiding it in your heart and do what it says and you will be blessed in all you do?







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