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Home » Humanoid; Get Ready Six Two, 330 pound Military Robot Coming Soon

Humanoid; Get Ready Six Two, 330 pound Military Robot Coming Soon



LISTEN NOW:John, Pat and Chris discuss the latest in war time technology when they discuss the new six two 330 pound robot whose arms stretch out wider than a car.    Fox News reports that “defense contractors on Thursday unveiled one of the most advanced humanoid robots ever built as part of the DARPA Virtual Robotics Challenge in Waltham, Mass. Called ATLAS, the giant is controlled by a human operator, who guides the sensors, hydraulics, and limbs through a range of natural motions, the military said.” They continued to discuss how fast technology is advancing and how one day we will see robots remotely controlled in war.  They share how technology can be used for either good or bad and that’s another reason to abide with the Lord and receive direction, wisdom, guidance as to how this technology will ultimately affect our families and our walk with the Lord.




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