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Home » Israeli says” Shame on America” for Israel releasing convicted Killers

Israeli says” Shame on America” for Israel releasing convicted Killers

Courtesy of kurt/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat share how Israelis are saying shame on America.   According to CBN “The United States announced the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian talks Sunday after years of stalemate.  But the new step has already come with a high price for Israel, with the Jewish state giving in to American pressure to release 104 Palestinian prisoners convicted of killing Israelis.”  This has been done just so the Palestinians will come to the table and discuss peace with Israel.   Israel continues to make huge concessions to avoid war but instead work towards peace.  They continue to share that if Israel is pushed to give up Jerusalem we will all suffer.  On several occasions when policies of the United States effect Israel, especially regarding giving up the land, we in the United States experience the ramifications.   They encourage us to remain faithful to pray for Israel.

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