LISTEN NOW! John shares from Joy Dawson’s book Intimate Friendship with God, Through Understanding the Fear of the Lord. He discusses the different levels in our attitude toward sin that Joy writes about. Our attitude toward sin determines whether we enjoy intimacy with God. The first level is when a person does not sin because the consequences are too great. They try to avoid sin because they don’t want to face the consequences of sinning against the Lord and man. Level Two is when the person lives by the “Golden Rule.” The Third level is when a sincere Christian who earnestly desires to please the Lord but finds himself wishing he could find answers as to why he is always having to confess the same sins over and over. The fourth level is when a person who has the fear of the Lord upon them. That person has a hatred for sin and so they seldom sin. They continue to discuss the importance the fear of the Lord is and how it will help us to have a proper perspective when it comes to the attitude we embrace in regards to sin. Avoiding sin for the right motives will help us to enjoy intimate friendship with God.