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Home » The Glory of God

The Glory of God

Courtesy of  Creativemarc/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the glory of God.   They discuss the account of when Jesus attended a wedding celebration and his mother informed him they had run out of wine.  Jesus instructed his disciples to pour water into jars.  When they poured from the jars what came out was wine.  This was the first revealing of God’s glory.  Every time God answers prayer; that is the revealing of His glory.  They share some “glory stories”, testimonies about the revealing of God’s glory.  TV delivery men prayed for, Woman has divine encounter and receives prayer in front of her own home, Woman received prayer for eye and was healed, Man received prayer while having heart attack and reports later he was healed.  If you are in the gulf coast region join the dream at the Vine Fellowship gathering or join us live vfntv.com 


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