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Home » Seeking Justice for Roy Middleton (Part 1 of 2)

Seeking Justice for Roy Middleton (Part 1 of 2)


LISTEN NOW!  (Be Sure to listen to Part 2 to this program.  This is part 1 of 2 of the program focused on seeking justice for Roy Middleton who was shot 15 times by two deputy sheriff’s – see report of incident and details at NorthEscambia.com) 


Greg, John, and Pat discuss the recent shooting of Roy Middleton in Escambia County, Florida by Escambia CountySheriff deputies in the dark early hours in the month of July.  Mr. Middleton was shot by Escambia Law Enforcement officers while he was in his own home, in his own car port, getting into in his own family car.  The officers fired 15 shots at Roy Middleton who allegedly did not respond to the police officers commands.  Mr. Middleton was shot in his own house as he describes “It was like a firing squad”.  They continue to discuss how it is challenging to respond to anyone in the midst of tragedy especially

Roy Middleton

when you have been shot in the leg as Roy Middleton was. [Watch Sheriff David Morgan Speak about Roy Middleton]Roy’s car was riddled with bullets and he, although fortunately is alive, was shot in the leg which resulted in a shattered femur.  GREG he shares about when HE WAS SHOT AT TWICE, hit once and how Gary Watson, with Exit Reality rushed him to the hospital and Deputy Doug Heist risked his life to arrest the shooter.  He also speaks of the bank robbery that cost Deputy Heist his life for the citizens of Escambia County.  [LISTEN NOW TO:  NO ONE CRIES FOR JUSTICE, by Greg Lancaster] Greg shares an account from his former days as an Escambia County Deputy, where he successfully apprehended a criminal and out of nowhere he was shot upon in the dark of night.  He continues to explain how in the dark he couldn’t see who was shooting all he could see was the muzzle of the gun after the shots were fired.  It is important from a Christian perspective to respond to what happened to Roy Middleton in view of what the Bible instructs us in

Psalm 41:1 “Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; for the Lord delivers them in times of trouble.”

Roy Middleton’s Car    

This is a major injustice as well as appalling that a man who was on his own property, in his own car port, getting something out of his own car, to be fired upon by police officers who parked their police cars down the street.  It begs to question as to what spirit is in the air that would cause anyone not to respond in a way that is void of empathy, acknowledgement or an apology for what was done to Roy Middleton.  There is a huge vacuum of silence at the moment from the church and this should not be.  It’s time to begin asking God how we should respond to this tragedy in our community.  Our hearts go out to Roy Middleton as his request is for us to continue to pray for his healing and

Deputy Don Cook

for his and his family safety.   It is important to note that just like we have some doctors, teachers, and pastors that don’t necessarily need to be in their profession the same rings true for some police officers.  There are some in law enforcement that need to find another profession.

Deputy Doug Heist

Those that work in public office must remember that they work for the citizens.  Greg is quick to point out that there are many good police officers today just like there were good officers when he was a deputy.  He continues to share how police officers like Doug Heist and Don Cook lost their lives in service to the citizens in Escambia County.  These were fine officers that served the citizens of Escambia County and lost their lives in the line of duty.  We don’t just honor them but all the law enforcement officers in Escambia County that have given their lives in the line of duty.  We mustn’t forget that God is just and what happened to Roy Middleton should be acknowledged for the tragedy it was and to seek healing.  All law enforcement work for the citizens and it’s the citizens that allow them to serve.  The safety, protection and honor of all citizens since they are all made in the image and likeness of God should be highly regarded no matter who they are.  Dear God forgive us of our sins and for Your church to rise up to bring healing to our communities and the nation.  


Escambia County Sheriff’s Office


Lieutenant George Hura, Jr.
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Cause: Heart attack
Sheriff’s Sergeant Roosevelt Walker, Jr.
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Friday, May 22, 1998
Cause: Heart attack
Deputy Sheriff Donald Ray Cook
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Saturday, December 3, 1988
Cause: Vehicular assault
Corporal Eric Byron Streeter
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Tuesday, March 13, 1984
Cause: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Floyd Douglas Heist, Sr.
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Saturday, May 3, 1980
Cause: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Morley G. Ray
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Friday, April 7, 1978
Cause: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Charles Leroy Wilkerson
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Saturday, January 19, 1974
Cause: Gunfire
Deputy Sheriff Joseph Mallory Gassman
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Sunday, January 30, 1966
Cause: Stabbed
Deputy Sheriff Len Burt Adams
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Monday, June 16, 1958
Cause: Gunfire
Constable William Clinton Rigby
Escambia County District Four Constable’s Office
EOW: Sunday, September 4, 1955
Cause: Automobile accident
Deputy Sheriff Joseph Elmer Whitworth
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Thursday, April 22, 1954
Cause: Gunfire
Sheriff A. Cary Ellis
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office
EOW: Tuesday, September 25, 1923
Cause: Gunfire

50th Year Anniversary of Dr King’s, “I Have a Dream!” How Much Has Changed? 

NorthEscambia.comDetails Emerge In Deputy Involved Shooting Of Unarmed Man  
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