Nuclear Bomb Report Warns Iran is within Weeks of having Nuclear Bomb: Israel will take Action
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the nuclear bomb report which warns Iran is within weeks of having a nuclear bomb. They continue to share how Israel will take action. According to Fox News “The Institute for Science and International Security on Thursday issued a report stating that Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a nuclear bomb in as little as one month, USA Today reported.” They continue to discuss how prophetically the fulfillment of what God has shared with so many are about to come to pass. They continue to encourage us to pray and stand with Israel. Support organizations such as CUFI (Christians United for Israel) and Dugit ministry in Israel. God has a plan for Israel and He has a plan for you. Find out what God’s mandate is for you by abiding with Him every day.
Texas A&M Plans Satellite Campus in Israel
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how Texas A&M University plans a satellite campus in Israel. According to CBN News “The announcement came this week at Israeli President Shimon Peres’ residence in Jerusalem. Former presidential hopeful and Texas Gov. Rick Perry took part in the signing ceremony. Dubbed a “Peace University,” it will be situated in Israel’s largest Arab city, which also has the biggest Arab Christian population.” They continue to discuss how Chuck Pierce prophesied that Texas would be a Hub state. A state that would be used to stand and defend the Union. They also encourage us to be ones that will stand with God, that God would raise us up as a hub family, a hub neighborhood to be ones that God would use in the days ahead. They further discuss the immense blessings that have overtaken Israel. They further underscore the importance of God’s blessing on a people which is clearly seen in the blessed abundance of the land. One such comparison is the countries of Dominican Republic and Haiti. Although they are both on the same piece of land it is extremely clear as to the difference of the Dominican Republic’s blessing and the lack of blessing in Haiti’s land. It matters who we say is the God of the harvest.
You Are in the Game: You Have a Role to Play
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how you are in the game and how each person in God’s kingdom has role to play. Greg using a football team as an illustration shares at length the importance of understand that you are not a fan but rather in the game and not just in the game but you play a significant role. Every team has an owner, a coach, a quarterback, and position players. When the ball is thrown to you it is important for you to know that you are already on the team and it’s time to play. You are not watching but rather in your position. It’s time to wake up; you are not a fan but a player if you are born again. Many have not played their part and have caused others to get hurt. We must take the field and play all out for the owner, Father God.