LISTEN NOW! Steve, John, and Pat discuss being hungry for God. They continue to discuss that just as in the natural new born babies have a desire to eat so it is true in the spiritual. They further discuss how spiritual hunger is just a byproduct of having an abiding relationship with Jesus. In order for you to see the Kingdom you must be born again. They continue to share that hunger is a healthy sign. The Bible tells us in Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled.” God promises to do his part “to fill us” if we do our part “hunger and thirst for righteousness.” They continue to discuss how God moves on behalf of those who truly hunger after Him and yearn to seek His face not His hand. They further discuss the importance of you knowing God and Him knowing you. God desires to have a relationship with you. When we truly get a revelation of this we are no longer content and satisfied with what others say about Him we are hungry to know Him more and more for ourselves. We don’t have to earn a position with God or earn His love He already loves you. They continue to discuss the importance of having an attitude of gratitude for God and what He has done in us, through us ,and for us which is key to stirring our hearts for desiring more of Him as well as producing a desire to serve Him whole heartedly. They continued to discuss how just in the natural we can eat foods that are sweet and delightful for a moment in the end they are nothing but empty calories void of any real substance for our bodies. Today many are feasting on the wrong things causing them to still remain hungry and not be satisfied. Our only satisfaction for our soul can only be found in an abiding relationship with the Lord. They further discuss several examples of women in the Bible that through desperation and deep yearning longed to birth physical children and they continue to share how these are the same requirements for the birthing of a mighty move of God. They continue to encourage us by letting us know that no matter what spiritual state we find ourselves in today our appetites can be stirred for more of God. God promises to feed the hungry. The question is how hungry are you?
Azusa Street Revival
Welsh Revival
Moravian Church
Brownsville Revival
John Wesley
England: before and after Wesley. The Evangelical Revival and Social Reform
Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill
Matthew 5:6, Mark 5:24-34, Genesis 29:17-30:1, 1 Samuel 1:5-16, Isaiah 55:1-3, Psalm 42:1,
Proverbs 27:7, Revelation 3:20
Are You Hungry for MORE of God? – Part 1 Dean