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Home » “Just because its legal; doesn’t mean its moral,” Bishop A. J. Richardson, Jr. African Methodist Episcopal Church

“Just because its legal; doesn’t mean its moral,” Bishop A. J. Richardson, Jr. African Methodist Episcopal Church

Bishop A. J. Richardson, Jr.
African Methodist Episcopal Church
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss a recent statement that was made at a Monday Morning Rally in Tallahassee, FL, by Bishop Adam Richardson of Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, when he said ““We, you and I, have learned through experience….found out that what is legal is not always moral.”  They further discussed that just because something may be legal in our country does not automatically make it moral, meaning good in God’s eyes.  For instance, in recent days we have seen laws regarding marriage, marijuana, etc.  America is a country of laws.  Slavery was legal but it was not moral.  They continued to discuss how amazing it is when people know in their heart that something is wrong although it is legal and yet they still do it.  The question to always ask is what would Jesus do?  America has a lot of scars.  Those scars can be healed but won’t be able to be healed by legislating laws but rather by turning our hearts to God.  

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Tags: Tallahassee, law, moral,legal,


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