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Home » Moderate Muslims? Oxymoron

Moderate Muslims? Oxymoron


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LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss whether there can be such a thing as moderate Muslim and is it truly an oxymoron.  The word Islam is said to mean “to submit” and Muslim means one who submits to Islam and its teaching.  Can there truly be a moderate anything?  In fact a moderate Christians is said to be “lukewarm” in Revelation 3:16 and would be spewed out of the mouth of God.   It was once said that the hope for America is “moderate” Muslims and “moderate” Christians; the truth is that is no hope at all.  The hope for America can only be found in Jesus Christ and Him alone.  They continue to discuss the importance of understanding Islam and to know that there are no such things as extreme Muslims and moderate Muslims there are only those who obey the teaching of the Koran and those who pick and choose what they will submit too in regards to Islam making them not a true Muslim according to Islam.  The question before us in regards to the church is are we who claim to know God truly going to walk with Him?  God loves you so much and desires for you to have a true relationship with Him through His son Jesus Christ.  You can meet him today go to MeetMyFather.org


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Tags: Islam, John Stenberger, vulnerable, CBN, Raymond Ibrahim, extremists


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