You Have to Ask Permission to Have Access into One’s Life
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how you have to ask permission to have access into one’s life. They shared numerous examples of how people try to push their way into situations and into other people’s life without having permission. They continue to give an example of an encounter they had with an aggressive sales person who continued to push through. Greg recalls an incident that occurred when he was in the Navy and he remembers when a low ranking officer tried pushing himself on other service men and giving them directives when in fact they knew more than he did. Greg continues to share that from time to time on the ship they had what was known as Zulu 5 Oscar training designed to prevent an intruder from getting on board. This same officer thought that he would be able to successfully get on board only to find out that just within a few steps he was wrapped up in a headlock by fellow shipmates. They further discuss how many people today force themselves into your life and they don’t even know you. They also share an encounter they had with Leo and Sandy DeJesus on a prayer walk they went on in New Orleans. A word of knowledge given to Greg opened the door to have access into their home and lives. God will speak to us what we need to know and what we have to say.
While they were shaking Hands- Missiles headed to Attack Israel
Greg, John, and Pat discussed what President Benjamin Netanyahu had said and as they were shaking hands missiles for Israel’s destruction was headed toward the Gaza strip. They continue to discuss how everything in America is much larger in America than other countries. This is especially true of the nation of Israel where its widest part is 70 miles wide. The weapons were destined to reach the hands of terrorists on the Gaza strip thanks to the Iran. “I said a moment ago that at most I heard a few faint condemnations of Iran from the international community after we intercepted murderous shipment. We even saw representatives of the world powers shaking hands and smiling with the heads of Iran’s regime, at the same time we were unloading these missiles here in Eliat” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We cannot blame the Secretary of State John Kerry but in fact the President since the buck stops with him. You can’t use Alinsky tactics towards Israel; they won’t work. They remind us that no man knows the day or the hour of Jesus return not even Jesus. However, God does have an expectation that as believers we have discernment of the times and season we are living in. At this moment in time Israel has 170,000 missiles pointed at her and are completely surrounded by her enemies. If you strap a bomb to yourself and hurt God’s people it will not go well for you. There was a day that America was loyal that day has changed. Remain close to Israel.