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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour March 24, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour March 24, 2014

      Re-Digging the Wells of our Fathers; Honoring those who Have Gone Before Us

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of re-digging the wells of our fathers and honoring those who have gone before us.  They continue to discuss that when we honor those who have gone before us we are also honoring God and what He has done.  If we are doing anything for God and He is using any of us we must understand that we are just a part of what He is doing and of what He has done.  They further discuss how Rick Joyner from Morning Star Ministries had a special conference that was specifically to honor spiritual fathers that have gone before us.  The Bible is filled with what God has done and we are still reading it today.  That alone should put the fear of God in us and cause us to walk humbly.  We can’t get so caught up in the “now” Isaac in the Bible who re-dug his father’s wells that the Philistines filled up.    If we move in the flesh we will have nothing but muddy waters.  God has pure water for us but some people just don’t go deep enough to find it. We must go back for God’s original intent and go deep enough to where there is a spiritual Tsunami coming.  We have seen some of what is coming already and are eagerly anticipating God’s outpouring.  However, we are seeing much dishonor in the land.  There are many in the body of Christ that needs to be affirmed as a son as well.  The church must reclaim the family again.    They continue to honor two spiritual fathers, Brother Ken Sumrall and Brother John Kilpatrick, two men who in different times labored and Bro. Kilpatrick is still laboring for the King and his Kingdom.  They continued to discuss how even Brother Ken had not seen such unity during the time of the Malachi mandate.  They continue to discuss the importance of being rightly related with those who have gone before us honoring them and what God has done through them.  God wants us to deal with the orphan spirit that thrives in competition, jealousy, and envy.  A father in the Lord will never be in competition with a son.  In fact, a spiritual father will be his son’s biggest “cheer leader”, praying for them and encouraging him to go further than he has gone.  Those with an orphan spirit are easily intimidated and allow fear and paranoia to run their life.  Genesis 26:18-22 says, “Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them. Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water there.  But the herders of Gerar quarreled with those of Isaac and said, “The water is ours!” So he named the well Esek, because they disputed with him.  Then they dug another well, but they quarreled over that one also; so he named it Sitnah.   He moved on from there and dug another well, and no one quarreled over it. He named it Rehoboth, saying, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.”  They share that the first two time Isaac re-dug the wells he faced dispute and opposition broke out which is very similar to a word that Jeremiah Johnson shared regarding how before we see revival we will see rivalry.  Just like Isaac we must persevere and press in and when he re-dug a third time he named the well Rehoboth meaning more room. “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.”  They continued to share a prophetic word given by Brett Holderbaum regarding what God was going to do on the Gulf Coast in the area of re-digging wells and how this nation and the nations of the world will be blessed.  

Are College Students Paying Huge Student Loan Debt for some College Professors to Blaspheme God?

Greg, John, and Pat discuss how college students may be paying for college professors to blaspheme God with the huge student loan debt.  They discuss how Senator Rand Paul how just recently spoke at Berkeley College told students that they need to make sure they can find a job upon graduation that merits the amount of money they are borrowing in student loans.  They continue to discuss how our education system needs to be reclaimed.  They further discuss how many Jews and Christians are being persecuted on college campuses and the high percentage of them that lose their faith while in College.  They share how the new movie in theaters now called “God is NOT Dead” is about the persecution Christian students go through on college campuses.  They encourage us to rethink how we get educated and where we choose to spend our dollars.

https://vfntv.com/media/audios/episodes/xtra-hour/2014/mar/32414P-2%20Xtra%20 Hour.mp3




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