RFID Chip Prelude for the Mark of the Beast? Don’t take the Mark. God will provide for you: Part 2 LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the RFID …
Shutterstock.com/Terrance Emerson LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss when the concept of assimilation became a negative concept. America is a melting pot. The uniqueness of America is the diversity …
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss how animals are fleeing from Yellowstone National Park and whether the animals know something us humans are about to find out. According to …
Animals Fleeing Yellow Stone Park; Catch a Clue? What is on the horizon? LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss how animals are fleeing from Yellowstone National Park and whether …
Today’s Highlights April 2, 2014 Jesus and the Great Expectation; Then they WENT OUTEither Fear or Faith which one will it be?Complete Faith- Belief and Actions working Together t0331x040414awh