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Home » The Jones’ are not all they are “CRACK”ed up to be; First Family Member Murdered; Stabbing in PA School -Part 1

The Jones’ are not all they are “CRACK”ed up to be; First Family Member Murdered; Stabbing in PA School -Part 1

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LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss how the Jones’ are not all they are cracked up to be.  They also continue to discuss how there was a family member murdered in God’s first family and it relates to the recent stabbing that just occurred in a High School in Pennsylvania.  It is reported that that the young man who stabbed and injured 20 students came from a good Ozzie and Harriet type home.  They continue to discuss how everyone is responsible for their own actions and cannot blame what they do on their parents.  Discipline is not a bad thing in fact Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered.  Hebrews 12:7 states “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children.”  They also discuss that although Bill Cosby produced a quality television program that portrayed family in a very positive light while in his own personal life his own son was murdered while changing a tire on the side of the road.  There are no perfect families; all families have issues.  They continue to discuss how many different people throughout history no matter their public and work life had issues in their family and the reason being is that we are all human beings and we are all flawed and are in desperate need of a Savior.  They encourage us not to try to hide the realities of life.  Before families were created there were husband and wife issues with Adam and Eve and once their sons were born there were family issues with one son actually murdering the other son.  They further discuss the tragic stabbing of 20 children in PA school.  Many say they can’t believe what is happening although our society is selling video games that glamorize illegal activity.  It is reported that allegedly the Navy Yard shooter had food brought to him while he played a shooting video games for hours.  The next day after the shooting Grand Theft Auto V was released on the market and the game broke records with $800 million dollars in sales in the first 24 hours and $1 billion dollars in three days all the while nobody was shocked.  This is how law enforcement are trained and yet kids are playing these murder games for hours all the while their minds are being programed.  The reality that whatever is done in the heart will eventually manifest in reality.  How many young people are rehearsing killing people for hours only to face pressure and stress in their life and then snap while nothing is said about $1 billion sold in training them? 



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Tags: family, actors, reality, responsibility, accountability, high school shooting


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