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Home » Elliot Rodgers Shooting Rampage; because He didn’t Get What he Wanted and Thought He Deserved? University of California, Santa Barbara, UCSB

Elliot Rodgers Shooting Rampage; because He didn’t Get What he Wanted and Thought He Deserved? University of California, Santa Barbara, UCSB

elliott rodgers screen capture from CBN.com

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, and Pat share about the saddening tragedies of the massacre in California. Similar to what happened in Washington D.C., virtual murder was carried out before it was played out physically ultimately ending lives and affecting the lives of so many others. The answer amidst such devastation is to preach Jesus. What happened when Jesus encountered a man named Legion? Find out how we can respond to those around us and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Legion, Grand Theft Auto, DC shooter, idolatry, and the light.



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