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Home » Hackers Hit Ebay- Change Your Passwords and have a plan for life without Internet

Hackers Hit Ebay- Change Your Passwords and have a plan for life without Internet

 Courtesy of wk1003mike /Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss breaking news as is being reported by CNN that hackers have hit eBay as eBay recommends that passwords be changed.  They continue to discuss how this will be a continual occurrence as they share wisdom for life off of the internet.  They further discussed that from what they are seeing we will need to be prepared to reboot continually which means saving all of our digital files on an external hard drive.  They encourage us to take some time to simply get ready such as watching “Prudent Preparation”.  The time will come when you will have to prove what you owe and only that is printed on paper will ultimately be reliable.  When it goes so will the economy and the value of money will continue to be less and less. The truth is that you can’t serve both God and money.   Now is the time to meet Jesus as your Lord and Savior and begin an abiding relationship with the Lord.  Life will become much simpler and peaceful when we take the time to abide with God and hear his voice so that we may be careful to say and do all He would have us to do. True peace and safety can only be found in Him.  Also shared in this segment: Richard Nixon, banks, wheelbarrows, Ebay, abiding, and pot roast.



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