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Home » “VA Crises is Gift from God” say Dr. Ben Carson; The Reality that Government Can’t Do Health Care Well

“VA Crises is Gift from God” say Dr. Ben Carson; The Reality that Government Can’t Do Health Care Well

Courtesy of Mark Van Scyoc/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, and Pat continue the discussion about the travesties that have happened within the VA. In a recent interview, Montel Williams shares a much needed perspective of our veterans and how we can show our support for them and their sacrifices that were made for providing the freedoms in the nation. The veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts make up 2.8 million of the nearly 22 million American Veterans. We owe a deep gratitude to those who laid down everything so that we could have what we have. Find out what you can do to make a positive change, impact and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Congressman Jeff Miller, BBQs, Navy Corpsmen, and surges.



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