No Other Name but JESUS
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve discuss how there is no other name but the name of Jesus. They continue to discuss how Hillsong took over 21 digital billboards which played for an hour in Times Square in NYC. This was done at the same time of their “No Other Name” conference. They further discuss how these billboards were seen by an average of 360,000 pedestrians. They discuss how many things are being promoted in the church at large but we must never forget to let the main thing be the main thing; and that is lifting up the name of Jesus. Time and time again you can hear of references and mentions about God but the moment you speak of or say the name of Jesus everything changes. It’s time for believers to stand boldly for Jesus. It’s better to stand with Jesus sooner than later. Philippians 2:10-11“…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Suffering for the Cause of Christ: Renewed Perspective
Steve, John and Pat have an encouraging conversation of how to look at suffering for Christ, biblically. Steve shares about a recent day while working in the house which caused him to pray for the persecuted church. Suffering in the West can sometimes be described as the air conditioner going out, the traffic on the way to work, or long lines at the Department of Motor Vehicles. What the church is enduring throughout the world is a far different story: beatings, being tortured, houses being burnt, and even being killed, because of standing boldly for Jesus. They share how challenged they are by looking at how Paul declared that what had happened to him really caused the advancement of the gospel.
Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.
-Philippians 1:12-14
To see what Paul saw, we must endure what Paul endured. To be more like Jesus, we must walk like Jesus did. The church in the book of Acts demonstrated great power and boldness; they also suffered great persecution. If we are fearful of persecution, then we have a wrong perspective of it which probably means we are focused on the flesh. Persecution for standing for Jesus Christ is coming to America. In order to endure, we must have an accurate perspective of why we’re enduring it and for who we’re enduring it.
David and Goliath: Coming to the Big Screen with Biblical Accuracy says the Producer
John, Pat, and Steve discuss the new movie set to be released David and Goliath: Against All Odds, One Man Will Rise. The Christian Post reports in an exclusive interview with director Tim Chey in which he says the movie will be Biblically correct in every way. The film has a $50 million dollar budget and was filmed on a grand scale in Morocco. They further discuss the wave of Christian films that have come out, how good they have been and the impact Christian films are having in Hollywood. Chey says that he was an atheist who gave his life to the Lord when he read a Gideon’s Bible while staying in a hotel room. They further discuss how they can appreciate Biblically accurate films as some in Hollywood have felt it is okay to change God’s story; the truth is the script has already been written. Chey in his interviews continues to encourage Christians to support Christian film makers even if the production is not the best because the talent is not quite there. The truth is we should celebrate any work a Christian is doing that glorifies God. Content and impact are always more important than visual effects.