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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour May 15, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour May 15, 2014




Is the Acceleration of Technological Advances Destroying our Ability to Connect?
John, Pat and Steve share about some of the new advancements in technology and the increasing rate of how things are changing. How we are relating to technology is greatly affecting how we are relating to people. If we don’t pay attention to the things that are introduced in our culture, we may find ourselves in a place that we don’t want to be. Find out about some of these realities and so much more. Also talked about in this segment: CNN Money, iPhones, 3D Scanners, medical surgery, YouTube, search engines, social media, facial recognition, and the mark of the beast. 
The Workings of Men vs. the Working of God
John, Pat, and Steve have an encouraging conversation reminding us that if we’ve said yes to Jesus Christ as Lord over our lives, it is God working in us, not ourselves. Many times we can forget that and become frustrated trying to carry out what we want blessed instead of submitting ourselves to what God has already blessed. God wants to be the driver of our lives guiding us in every moment. Who is driving your life? Find out how to allow God to work through you and so much more. Also discussed in this segment: submission, obedience, driving, discipleship, fighting, and struggling.


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