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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour May 16, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour May 16, 2014



Every man has a Free Will to Choose – The Question is: What choice will you make?
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the importance of choice reminding us that each individual has the free will to choose. Everything seen on television is full of choices. Nothing is more powerful than our free will. The devil would want us to think collectively, but God will judge us individually. Find out the power of your free will and so much more. Also shared in this segment: bills, blame, voting, Supreme Court, Pastors, Adam & Eve, and marriage.
Dealing with Anti-Semitism is Key to Dealing with Racism
Greg, John, and Pat remind us to keep our eyes on Israel. Amidst the right words being said to Israel, what are the actions being done to Israel and around Israel? What is happening in Israel can be traced to the roots of a people still walking this out today. Find out how to be a part of the change and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, John Kerry, love, the Duggars, and Christopher Columbus.
The Nations have Come to the United States: Time to Preach the Gospel in their Native Language
John, Greg, and Pat talk about the language demographics of America. Can you name the top 3 languages spoken in America? What they share would surprise you? How does this affect the gospel reaching all the nations? Find out how and so much more. Also shared in this segment: China, India, finances, cable packages, cell phones, tithes & offerings, and a 3rdGreat Awakening.
Sons of Encouragement: The Power of Receiving and Giving Encouragement
Greg, John, and Pat have and encouraging conversation while walking us through the book of Acts. Many times we devalue the significance of a word of encouragement. The simplest statements we say to one another meant to encourage, can greatly impact a life. It could even impact a nation; or even generations to come. Find out how you can be a son of encouragement and so much more. Also shared in this segment: lies, flattery, parade floats, Apostles, and Antioch.


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