Who is the “Shot Caller” in Your Life?
John and Pat share about who is the “shot caller” in your life? Who is the one calling the “shots” the one who is leading and directing you in life? They share how there is a big difference between those who follow God and those that don’t. God has called us to live a life that is dependent on Him. The person who doesn’t know Jesus as Lord or refused to follow Him and His ways is living a life independent of Him. Independent of God’s direction, guidance, and influence in their lives. They continue to ask the question how can one truly live a blessed life and see things go well for them if they are living a life independent of God. When we give Jesus our heart and submit to his will and ways we are saying Jesus is the shot caller of our lives. Whatever Jesus says I do. They continued to discuss how the lives of two individuals King Saul and David ended up. One allowed people and himself to call the shots and one allowed God to call the shots and lead him where he needed to go. Today it is being reported that 94 % of Americans have at least one Bible at home yet George Barna says that 81% of believers don’t read their Bible and only 19 % of believers actually read their Bibles. We need to allow Jesus to call all the shots in our lives. That only happens when we give our lives to Jesus and we abide with him. He is faithful to lead us and guide us but we must be willing to trust Him with our lives.
Don’t Give In; Don’t Give Up; Persevere
In this abiding moment John, Pat and Chris share the importance of not giving in or giving up and the need to persevere. Many people today try and give up when things get tough. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:35-36, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” The word of God instructs us not to throw away our faith and confidence in God but to keep it and hold on to it. The enemy does the complete opposite and does everything in his power to get us to give in and give up. If you are not clear in your vision then Satan is happy to give you one to distract you and get you to stop. However, we are encouraged to persevere; which means to persist in anything undertaken. To persevere means the need to maintain purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, and discouragement. God has called us to live by faith; faith that perseveres. They encourage us to have a vision and to stay the course and if we don’t give up or given in our persevering faith will be rewarded by God.
John buys Handy Dandy Clothes Steamer; Family laughs
John shares how on what was supposed to be a quick stop at the mall to get his phone fixed also made a purchase of a clothes steamer. He shares how he thought this would be a great idea and was excited to bring it home only to find out that it didn’t work when he was trying to demonstrate it for his family. They enjoyed a good laugh.