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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour May 28, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour May 28, 2014



Called to Testify on Behalf of God: Can you and Will You?
Steve, John, and Pat have an encouraging dialogue about the happenings within a courtroom. With all the different movies, shows, and broadcasts of court hearings, many can recall what transpires in a courtroom. For some of those involved, specific topics were talked about before they even enter the courtroom. What about the church? Who is being called to the witness stand? Find out the details of each of these and so much more. Also shared in this segment: witnesses, judges, testifying, and the world.
Horrific Fallout of Syria’s Civil War and the Three Things You Can Do
John, Pat and Steve share about the realities that so many are facing in the events within Syria. Without a global perspective, it is so easy to focus on what is in front of us. The realities many are experiencing in Syria and throughout the world can cause us to re-evaluate our own situations. Can we be limited by our own mindsets? Find what is happening across the world and so much more. Also shared in this segment: apartments, widows, Israel, and mattresses.
What to Do When You Are Hurt by Someone?
John, Pat and Steve share some insightful wisdom on how to respond to situations that many of us may have faced or even caused. How we respond can make all the difference in the world. Are there different focuses we can have during these moments and how do we respond when we realize we have the wrong focus? Is it situations like these when we can be most like Jesus? Find out how you can respond and so much more. Also shared in this segment: sin nature, forgiveness, and tormenters.


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