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Home » VA Medical Center Pulls Curtain Over The Cross and Jesus in Chapel TO HIDE IT! reports Charisma Magazine – Veteran’s Administration

VA Medical Center Pulls Curtain Over The Cross and Jesus in Chapel TO HIDE IT! reports Charisma Magazine – Veteran’s Administration

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LISTEN NOW!  Greg, Pat and John share about more shocking news of what is happening within the Veteran’s Administration, VA. The VA is concerned about not offending others that they are making decisions that are ultimately offending on the one that truly matters. There is a deeper narrative that can be seen when multiple events are seen together. How will all of these decisions stack up in eternity? Also shared in this segment: Hillary Clinton, sealed college university thesis, Veterans Affairs, shame, “pollution, pentagon pollution,” Vets dying while waiting for medical treatment at VA, hidden list of VA patience and Saul Alinksy.


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