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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour June 27, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour June 27, 2014



Supreme Court Rules Against Abortion Clinic “Buffer Zones” Protecting the First Amendment

Greg, Pat, and John share about the recent sweeping decisions in the Supreme Court that have been in favor of the Constitution. They continue to emphasize the structure of government and its basis from the Constitution. They continue to share how the Supreme Court responded to computers and phones being compared to wallets. It is important to see these discussions first hand, not simply listen to those who talk about them, and base these decisions on what the Bible says about it. Find out how to respond to what is happening in the government, what the Biblical viewpoint is and so much more. Also shared in this segment: NSA, FBI, warrants, First Amendment, Fourth Amendment, abortion, the Supreme Court, and the cloud. 
Polyester, Power, Tie Dye; Yes, Back to the 70’s; Move of God in 70’s will Pick Back Up Gain
Greg, Pat and Steve deliver an encouraging truth as they discuss the previous happenings of Roe vs Wade and how it affected how God was pouring out His Presence in the early 1970s. They continue to share a dream that was revealed and how it lines up with what others have been sharing. God is about to do something mighty and unmeasurable in our midst. Amongst these best of times, there will be the worst of times. Be encouraged as you find out how you can position yourself to be a part of this awesome move of God and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Roe vs Wade, dreams, abortion, judgment, Lighthouse Prophecy, Ken Sumrall, Miriam Ibrahim, the Persecuted Church, hippies, and John Kilpatrick. 
Supreme Court Voted President Obama Exceeded His Presidential Powers by bypassing Congress in Abnormal Recess Appointments
Greg, Pat and John bring clarity to what is happening in the government in these present moments. Recent decisions have been made by specific branches of government that contradict how they were originally designed to operate. From recent recesses exercised by the President, Congress has had to react expressing their majority vote against what has been taking place. There has been a narrative about the government not “moving fast enough”, or “people getting in their way”. When those “people” are referring to Congress; that is referring to “you” the American people; YOU ARE CONGRESS, CONGRESS IS YOU! As the church, there is a role to play and understanding that role empowers us to make a positive difference for God. Be encouraged as you learn how you can respond and so much more. Also shared in this segment: the Citizenship Test, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Constitution, Congress, CNN, narratives, NSA, the CIA, and the FBI.



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