The Power of Vision to help us Stay in our Lane
John, Greg, and Pat share about the importance of having vision in our lives. Without a vision, we are susceptible to those that do. It is amazing how long we can be blinded leaving us without a vision. With all the many distractions in our daily lives, having vision helps us know what to say yes or no to. Find out how to live a focused life with vision and so much more. Also shared in this segment: abiding, restraint, geese, retirement, addresses, and bills.
Confronting everything that Hinders God’s Word from Going Forth: You Just Have to Deal with it because you care about God and His People
Greg, Pat and John discuss about certain happenings in Paul’s ministry. We can have the best intentions and at the same time encounter those who do not. How we respond makes all the difference in the world. When we look at how Jesus ministered to others, it gives us wisdom of how to respond to others as well. Find out how to react in those critical moments and so much more. Also shared in this segment: courtrooms, blindness, and the Voice of God.
It’s About Hope in God: Hope that Doesn’t Disappoint
Greg, Pat and John share about the message of hope that many are searching and longing for. There are two types of hope. Finding the right one is vital. During those difficult and trying moments, what is our hope in? Find out how and what to fix your hope upon and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Abraham, sand, and speeches.
E Pluribus Unum: Out of Many We Are ONE. United We Stand Divided We Fall
Greg, Pat, and John share about the importance of knowing the original intent of America. When contradictory narratives enter conversations, we can know that it breaks down agreement. When we look into the realities of the Pilgrims, and what drove them, it can help us in our own realities. Find out about the significance of unity, division, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Atheists, Cashless Society, Dollar Bills, accountants, Pilgrims, and teachers.