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Home » God’s Spirit Knows All, Its for Us to Follow His Lead

God’s Spirit Knows All, Its for Us to Follow His Lead

Courtesy of Asier Romero/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, Pat and Steve share in this exciting moment how the Holy Spirit was brought to the Gentiles, those that are not Jewish. We cannot forget that Jesus was Jewish, the disciples were Jewish, and at the birthing of the church in Acts 2, they were Jewish. Can we truly let go and trust the leadership of God’s Spirit in our lives? Cornelius and Peter did. It was because of their obedience to the voice of the Lord and their continual response to God amidst their lack of understanding of what God was doing that, those who are not Jewish are able to encounter God’s Holy Spirit even today! In this segment, you will finally find the answer to this question, “How did it come to the place from where it was when the Holy Spirit paved the way for letting man into the Church and are now closing the door to the knowledge of Him in their lives and ‘churches’?” The Holy Spirit let them in, but now they won’t let the Holy Spirit in. Allow these testimonies of what God did powerfully stir your faith to step out in boldness and believe God to do powerful miracles in your own life, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: obedience, visions, faith, hope, baptism of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and testimonies of God.


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