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Home » ISIS Gives Iraqi Christians Three Choices; Convert to Islam, pay tax, Lose Your Head

ISIS Gives Iraqi Christians Three Choices; Convert to Islam, pay tax, Lose Your Head


Courtesy of Oleg Zabielin/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve share how the terrorist group ISIS is continuing to express their views toward Christians. In the town of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, ISIS has given 3 options to Christians, convert, pay the protection tax, or die. Islam is not a peaceful religion. During this season, Muslims are nearing the end of “Ramadan”, a time of prayer and fasting for Muslims to seek their God. The encouraging truth is that during this time, Muslims are encountering Jesus Christ. They continue to share how we can respond to these events, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS, murder, suicide, Ramadan, and prayer.


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