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Home » NEW MOVIE: “AMERICA” Confronts the Negative Narratives Spoken Over America with the True History; what if George Washington died in battle?

NEW MOVIE: “AMERICA” Confronts the Negative Narratives Spoken Over America with the True History; what if George Washington died in battle?

 screen capture from youtube.com/Lionsgate Unlocked

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, and Pat share about the encouraging new release of the movie “America”.  What would the world be like if America never existed? There are so many narratives that result in negative and twisted perspectives of America’s role, spoken over the founding fathers to the present. Is America a thief?  Did America steal its land, Mexico, labor and resources and more is clarified in this movie and more.  Enjoy this trailer and see the movie as it is released today. Also shared in this segment: Original Intent, Third Great Awakening, founding fathers, and the Constitution.


“America” the Movie Trailer
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