Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » The Green Family: Owners of Hobby Lobby: Grateful for their willingness to Hold the Line
Courtesy of Ken Wolter/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, Pat, and John share about the encouraging journey of how the owners of Hobby Lobby, the Green Family, made an unwavering stand for God amidst the government mandated healthcare. Facing fines of $15,000 a day, they laid down their wealth in order to stand up for God and their religious beliefs. They continue to share the Green Family’s entrepreneurial journey of honoring God with their business. Imagine two, three and more people standing up for God. What this Supreme Court decision has revealed is that it is ok to declare that JESUS IS LORD! Be encouraged as you hear this testimony of faith empowering you to stand up for God, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: the Supreme Court, tithing, values, the Constitution, voting, and faith.


Burwell v. HobbyLobby: A Landmark Victory

Hobby Lobby: A Family Business
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