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Medical Missionary Once Infected with the Ebola has Recovered and Praises God for his Recovery

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WATCH! LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve share about the miraculous healing of Dr. Kent Brantley from his recent contraction of Ebola. As a missionary doctor with Samaritan’s Purse in Liberia, West Africa, Dr. Brantley was on a 2 year assignment in the region responding to the needs of those in the region. When he arrived in the area, Ebola was not present. During his time serving, he learned of the increasing cases in the area and eventually contracted the disease himself. When Dr. Brantley contracted the disease he reportedly gave the only serum remaining to another one of his colleagues rather than himself.

Dr. Brantley was flown to the Emory University Hospital, where doctors responded to his condition. In response to a virus where there is currently no cure, Dr. Brantley was miraculously healed. “As I lay in my bed in Liberia for the following nine days, getting sicker and weaker each day, I prayed that God would help me to be faithful even in my illness, and I prayed that in my life or in my death, He would be glorified…….. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and your support. But what I can tell you is that I serve a faithful God who answers prayers.” Enjoy this encouraging moment as you are reminded that God can heal every sickness, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: faith, testimony, West Africa, Samaritan’s Purse, Ebola, and hope.



Dr. Brantley Speaks at Emory University Hospital

image source: cnn.com
image source: cnn.com

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