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Home » New Book; Francis Chan; Erasing Hell

New Book; Francis Chan; Erasing Hell

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LISTEN NOW! WATCH! Greg, Pat and John share about Francis Chan’s book, Erasing Hell, and a significant question that Francis received while speaking with an audience. Right now in America, according to Michele Bachmann, we are erasing every existence of radical Islam from our records. Simply erasing the acknowledgement of the enemy doesn’t erase the reality of the enemy. Right now, there is a narrative in the church that is doing exactly that, seeking to erase the existence and reality of hell. It is important to search out the red letters; what did Jesus say? At the end of this life there is going to be a fruit check, a fruit inspection. Will there be fruit in our lives in accordance with repentance? Without an abiding relationship with Jesus, this is impossible. As a flower produces pollen, and a bee produces honey, a Christian who abides produces fruit. Bring clarity to this important topic of hell, eternity, fruit, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Francis Chan, repentance, hell, abiding, fruit, and truth.       WATCH FULL PROGRAM!



Erasing Hell- Francis Chan

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