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Home » Rick Joyner’s Book: The Harvest – Ch. 10 The Persecution – Part 2

Rick Joyner’s Book: The Harvest – Ch. 10 The Persecution – Part 2

Courtesy of cunaplus/Shutterstock.com

WATCH! LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve continue the conversation of Rick Joyner’s book, The Harvest. A book that came about from a vision revealed to Rick more than 25 years ago has brought to light many of the realities that are coming to pass today. In a portion of this vision, Rick saw significant persecution coming to the church. In light of the persecution that is being seen in countries such as North Korea, China, and Northern Iraq, it is a wakeup call for the church in the West. The church will be greatly humiliated before its greatest advances. Amidst these moments of humiliation, it will come from the hands and mouths of many accusers who are against the church. It is vital to understand that a spirit of discernment is vital in these days. We must continually remind ourselves that our enemy is not human beings, it is spiritual, and it is the devil. Either through humbling ourselves or being humiliated, humility will come. Humility is our greatest defense in these moments. We must guard ourselves not to take part with the tongues of accusation, to remember to encourage each other and to lift one another up in prayer. The greatest demonstration of humility is Jesus Christ Himself. During the last 24 hours of his life, amidst everyone, everything coming against Him, Jesus said nothing. Amidst the increasing persecution coming against those who are standing for Jesus Christ, be encouraged how to stand amidst the difficulty of the days ahead, and so much more.



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