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Home » Rick Joyner’s Book: The Harvest- Ch. 10 Persecution- Part 5- The Enemy is not just on the Outside; But on the Inside too

Rick Joyner’s Book: The Harvest- Ch. 10 Persecution- Part 5- The Enemy is not just on the Outside; But on the Inside too

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LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat and John continue the conversation regarding the critical reality of the truth shared from Rick Joyner’s book, The Harvest.  A book that was written more than 25 years ago describes events that are presently being seen. It’s important to remember that Peter was used by Satan when he spoke to Jesus, “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”-Matthew 16:23. Jesus recognized what was really going on by addressing Satan and not Peter. We cannot misjudge what is currently happening in the world. It is Satan that is scheming. It is Satan that is planning. It is Satan who we are to be binding. The individuals that you see in the media in regards to the intentions of Radical Islam must be taken seriously. They believe this is truth and it will be carried out.

God is fashioning a storm against Israel; a storm against America. In these perilous moments, we can respond like King Josiah did, like a watchman on the wall, to repent and warn others of the storm. Children are being beheaded in Iraq at the hands of ISIS. CBN is reporting that when ISIS comes into neighborhoods of Muslims, Muslims are simply choosing to fly the ISIS flag. As Christians, this is not an option for us. To fly a flag in support of ISIS, in support of Mohammed, is to deny Jesus Christ. In addition, there have been documentaries done regarding American citizens who have left America to fight alongside those in ISIS. Men are being recruited and radicalized. Reportedly, an alliance has been made with those who believe in a Caliphate. Get a Biblical understanding and truth regarding the increasing events regarding ISIS in the world, in America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS Flag, Jihad, sifting, Princeton, Radical Islam, James Foley, Mecca, Hegemony, CBN, CNN, and repentance. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!

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