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Home » ‘We Won’t Be Cowed by ISIS’ says Great Britain Prime Minister David Cameron and President Obama

‘We Won’t Be Cowed by ISIS’ says Great Britain Prime Minister David Cameron and President Obama

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LISTEN NOW! WATCH Greg, Pat, and Steve talk about the meeting between Prime Minister David Cameron and President Obama regarding the realities of ISIS in an upcoming NATO summit in Wales. CBN reports Cameron’s strong remarks, “We have to take a long term, tough, intelligent, patient view of this,” he said. “We are going to have to squeeze it out of existence. It is going to take time.” We don’t know what the plans are but we do know that it is God’s plans that prevail. The fact that people are coming together willing to deal with ISIS is positive. Find out the details of how the nation’s leaders are responding, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN, Prime Minister David Cameron, President Obama, NATO and ISIS.



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