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Allowing the Holy Spirit to Intercede for You

Courtesy of Rachata Sinthopachakul/shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat and Steve share an exciting perspective amidst the increasing pressure and relentless happenings in the world: the Holy Spirit. Currently, there are more events happening across the face of the Earth that causes many to be overwhelmed just with thought of it all. Nations are at war, the borders of America are being flooded, disease is rising and spreading, Israel is constantly defending itself. What do you pray for? Where does one start? How do I pray? Often times, our words can be limited. But, that’s why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to pray for us. Be encouraged as you find out how you can entrust the Holy Spirit to lead you in times as these, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: the Holy Spirit, prayer, James Foley, Liberia, and hope.



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The Spirit Intercedes
Romans 8:26-27

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