LISTEN NOW! WATCH! Greg, Pat and John have a discussion about clarity in the Middle East and the world. There has been a strategic plan involving many of the roles in the Middle East. There was a transition of power in Egypt that allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to enter a nation where they were once barred. Under the Syrian Presidency of Bashar al-Assad, the mention of “jihad” (Islamic holy war) was not even allowed to be mentioned, or even exercised. Things are changing in the Middle East. There is a ring around Israel that is presently shifting and the nations around Israel are becoming more and more anti-Israel. The media and voices regarding the Middle East are continually focused on ISIS. What happened to the issue of a nuclear Iran? CBN reports how Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu states that ‘ISIS must be defeated; but to leave Iran is to win the battle but to lose the war’. If we as the church humble ourselves, and repent of our wicked ways, God will hear our prayers. Pastor John Kilpatrick of Church of His Presence, asks where the urgency is? The church must wake up to the reality that the persecution happening throughout the world against Christians is not going to just stay where it is, this is coming to America. Be encouraged as you hear the vitality of the church’s role in the present uprisings across the world, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Pastor John Kilpatrick, ISIS, Iran, Brigitte Gabriel, PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Rick Joyner, and 4 Blood Moons. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!
Watch! Former Radical Jihadist , Kamaal Saleem, speaks on VFNtv about America’s enemy and how Islam is targeting the church and the Jews :Part 2
“The Enemies Within [America] Will Be Bigger than Those Without,” says Rick Joyner in The Harvest
Rick Joyner’s Book: The Harvest- Ch. 10 Persecution- Part 5- The Enemy is not just on the Outside; But on the Inside too
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