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Are There “Logistics” in the Kingdom?


Courtesy of Sanit Fuangnakhon/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! It’s easy to walk through a large corporate business and not take into consideration what takes place “behind the scenes”. All the intricate relationships and partnerships that must come together in order to bring so many different products at the right place at the right time are vital. As a small business owner it can be quite difficult to walk all that out. In business, this is called “outsourcing”, and is what business owners do so they can focus on the vision of their particular company. Without proper outsourcing, the many tasks and obligations can overwhelm someone to the point that the original vision is neglected. There are those in the church that may be able to relate to this, as they have been trying “to do it all”. Some can be seeing that they were needed to “outsource” what God had given them, but the reality is we should never “insourced” in the first place. God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit so that He could build His church and we can focus on worshipping Him. Be encouraged as you hear the good news of why God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: entrepreneurship, Henry Ford, Wal-Mart, Role of the Holy Spirit, and humility. Steve, Greg, and Pat shared in this segment.


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