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Home » Prophetic Word Comes to Pass JJ “Jews and Jesus”: The Persecution of Christians and Jews- “Jihad John”

Prophetic Word Comes to Pass JJ “Jews and Jesus”: The Persecution of Christians and Jews- “Jihad John”

Courtesy of VladisChern/Shutterstock.com


LISTEN NOW! Another gruesome beheading has taken place at the hands of persecution. A man who was serving the Syrian people was murdered. Previously, the prophetic word of Jesus and the Jews, “JJ”, was delivered as a warning of what to look out for and to prayerfully watch for. The one that is carrying out these beheadings has reportedly been named, “Jihad John”.  If we continue on the road that we are on, for Sharia Law to be brought about in the presence of Congress is to say that we do not want the Constitution, regardless of who has been elected into our nation’s leadership.  It is time for the church to rise up in love and in humility. Find out what to do, how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: James Foley, prayer, persecution, Israel, repentance, and humility. Greg and Pat shared in this segment. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!


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