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Home » VFNRadio First Hour November 27, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour November 27, 2014




We are just SOOO Blessed in America
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how we are so blessed in America.  It is said that America is the bread basket for the word.  We produce so much food in this country that some have used food as fuel for our vehicles.  God has so blessed us with America and the form of government that allows us to hire representatives to represent us.  Help us Lord not to waste he blessing.  Forgive us for not being grateful for the blessed land you have given us.  The Lord will hold us accountable for how we run our country.


Thanksgiving: What are you thankful for?


Greg, John, and Pat discuss Thanksgiving and what we should consider being thankful for.  The word of God instructs us in Psalm 100:4 that we should “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise…”  They further discuss how important it is to have a pinnacle moment each year to express our thanks to God.  They discussed many services which are performed for us each year and the importance to reflect on what they mean to us and to be grateful for the person who they come through.  People like  those who were in sanitation, police, firefighters, and those who ensure our drinking water is kept clean just to name a few.  God indeed has blessed us with so many blessings that it’s only right to express our gratitude for him. 


Being a Disciple according to Jesus 


John, Pat and Chris discuss what being a disciple is according to Jesus in Matthew 16:24-25.  Jesus speaking to his disciples speaks clearly on what it means to be his disciple.  Accepting Jesus into our heart is more than just saying a prayer but it’s about having a relationship with the Lord.  Jesus said that if anyone would come after him he must do three things.   One must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him.  This may appear far different from messages today that suggest that you can just add Jesus, as if you could, to what you are presently doing and that’s it.  The truth is that when we give our lives to Jesus we no longer belong to ourselves.  The Apostle Paul said I have become a bond slave to him.  John the Baptist said I must decrease so that He might increase.  The way to go after God is to lose our selfish, lives and follow Him.  Be imitators and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ in everything. 




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