There is a place you are called to be: Are you there yet?
Greg, John, and Pat share how there is a place you are called to be. Life has its up’s and down’s its ebb and flow. We need each other. You don’t want to join or be a part of what God has called you to only during tragic times. You question the love you get. You want to be where God has called you to; be fully there, fully a part and fully submitted and related. Get connected to a church family today.
Are you ready to separate what is of God and what is of man
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the church needs to be ready to separate what is from God and what is of man. They continue to speak about that how Jesus himself did not begin his ministry until the His Father publicly blessed and acknowledged him. God is speaking to this generation and it is important that we don’t put what God is saying in old wineskins because the skin will burst and we will lose them both. New wine, new revelations need to put into new wineskins. The church is the people of God. As church leaders we are supposed to seek, save, baptize, disciple and send believers. The fivefold gifts given to the church are to mature the church but in order for the church to mature it must be willing to separate what is of man so they can have what is of God.
Channels of His Love
John, Greg, and Pat share how God wants us to be channels of his love. John 15:12-13, My command is this; Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this; that he lay down his life for his friends. Jesus gives us a command not a suggestion to walk in love and to do it in the same manner he has so loved us. Jesus’ love was on display and he gave his life for us; we should do the same. The greatest way we can display and move in love is when we willingly lay our life down for others. Our life, wishes, desires, wants etc. Not our will but God’s will. He has called us to be channels of his love. His love flows through us when we are not in the way. If we get ourselves out of the way then the love of God can reach the multitudes.
Tips to Prevent the Flu
With Flu season lasting until April, John, Pat, and Chris share some tips from CBN on how we can prevent the flu. Top on the list is washing our hands for at least 20 seconds with good lather and warm water. Disinfect surface areas that are touched often since the virus can remain on a surface for 2 days. They also share more tips including getting eight hours of sleep.