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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » WATCH! Victoria Shorrosh: A Journey of Giving Your Whole Heart to God

WATCH! Victoria Shorrosh: A Journey of Giving Your Whole Heart to God

Courtesy of wk1003mike/

WATCH or LISTEN NOW! With a lineage of ministers in her family heritage, Victoria Shorrosh has had to walk out her own personal journey with God, as we all do. In a time when culture focuses more on physical appearances than discerning what the Spirit is doing, Victoria shares an invigorating story of how God has been speaking to her and prepared her through the difficult seasons that has brought her to where she is now. At the end of this life, each of us will stand before the King and answer for the life we lived; this includes both men and women. Her story of authenticity will give those who are struggling to have faith and the trust to believe God for great and mighty things when they give their whole heart to God. Share this refreshing conversation

with everyone you know as you’re encouraged to go deeper in God, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Moravian Falls, Harvest Summit, Final Quest, Haiti, evangelism, angels, tragedy, cappuccinos, testimony, India, Daphne, and salvation. Greg, Pat, and Victoria shared in this segment. Watch this episode NOW!


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