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Home » WATCH! We need to know those who are amongst us: Protecting the Church from Protesters and those who want to do harm

WATCH! We need to know those who are amongst us: Protecting the Church from Protesters and those who want to do harm


WATCH FULL PROGRAM! or  LISTEN NOW! In today’s culture it’s important for each of us to know and be aware of our surroundings, to know those who are to our left and right. John Hagee currently leads Cornerstone Church in Texas. This fellowship of Christians is nearly 20,000 people. During a particular fellowship, people began standing up, one after another, speaking against Israel and protesting about specific beliefs. Those in the fellowship did not know those who were against them. Thank God these protesters did not use any weapons within the fellowship. This is not to breed fear but to encourage the church to walk in wisdom. “I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.”-Acts 20:29-31. There are important truths to be learned and walked out in light of these events. As the church, we can respond together, in wisdom, not as individuals. Be encouraged as you hear how to be the light in love, in truth, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: John Hagee, Christians United for Israel, Cornerstone Church, protesters, schemes, wolves, billboards, Gretna MS, koinonia, and love. Greg, John and Pat shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Roman Mikhailiuk/Shutterstock.com


NOTE:  THIS VIDEO IS WHAT THOSE WHO DISRUPTED THE PEACEFUL SERVICE BEING HELD FOR SUPPORT OF ISRAEL POSTED.   The statements made, or posted in this video is the opposition to Israel and the Christians who stand for Israel, not the churches or Vine Fellowship Networks.


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