LISTEN NOW! By standing with VFNtv & the Daily Radio program with your offerings and prayers, you are making a lasting impact in Israel through Christians United for Israel (CUFI), as VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program is a supporter of CUFI. In 2014, just a snapshot of some of the events and accomplishments that came about through CUFI were:
-1.9 million CUFI members
-514 Pro-Israel events across the nation
-Full page ads in nearly 20 major newspapers across the country
-Organized a 60 hour solidarity mission to Israel during Operation Protective Edge for 51 pastors, one from each state ad DC, on a 3 days’ notice
-Surpassed 1.2 million Facebook fans
-Surpassed 16,300 Twitter followers
-Brought 100 top students
Hear more of the details of what your support has done, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CUFI, prayers, support, Israel, unity, love, Operation Protective Edge, and faith. Greg, Pat and John shared during this segment.
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Christians United For Israel (CUFI)
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Christians United For Israel (CUFI)
CUFI Upcoming Events
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I Stand with Israel Night: Pastor Dan Livingston City Director of CUFI( Christians United for Israel) Shares about his recent trip to Israel
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