LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! In a recent study, according to, most Americans believe God rewards athletes with faith. “53 percent of Americans and 56 percent of self-described sports fans say athletes with faith in God are rewarded with good health and success……” Looking at athletes such as Russell Wilson, Tim Tebow, and Benjamin Watson, we can see the reality of these truths. Imagine what impact on the Kingdom we can have for God if we worked just as hard in our applicable areas of entrustments as they are doing on the field. Whether it’s in the classroom as teachers, in the board room in our places of business, and every other place in our daily lives. Everything that we do, we can do it for the glory of God. We can have a lasting impact regardless of where we are. Hear this encouraging perspective as you find out how significant the place where God has placed you, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: NFL, Bible Museum, Green Family, Truett Cathy, vision, prayer, 7 mountains, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Tim Tebow FORBES Most Influential 2013 NFL Player
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