For each and every one of us, it is vital for us to come face to face with the reality and truth that the eyes of the Lord are upon us. The actions of our response to these not only matter to the lives being affected by these acts of persecution, but our response, or lack of response, will determine our destiny in eternity. If society expects us to respond when we see a child with signs of abuse, what does the heart of God expect us to do when we are witnessing obvious signs of abuse and persecution against His own body? The question stands; what are we going to do during this time? Hear Jonathan Cahn’s full address, how the Bible shares what Jesus’ response will be to our response, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: United Nations, Persecuted Church, justice, empathy, sin, North Korea, Koran, Concentration Camps, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Coal Mines, Caged Canary, humility, and prayer. Greg and John shared in this segment.