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Home » WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour April 23, 2015

WATCH! VFNtv & the Daily Radio Program Second Hour April 23, 2015





White House Confirms Iran is only 90 Days away from Enriching Enough Nuclear Fuel for an Atomic Bomb


According to CBN, the White House has just declassified the status of the Iran’s development of their nuclear weapons program. In 2010, the Pentagon shared it would take one year to make a bomb. Today, the President has made known that Iran has the capability to become nuclear within 90 days. At the same time current negotiations are taking place between America and Iran regarding Iran’s nuclear development program. The current Ayatollah of Iran has openly called for the annihilation of Israel. For reasons unknown, America’s leadership is choosing not to stand with Israel. When Jerusalem is surrounded by its enemies, it is imperative for the church to pray. These are critical days that we are experiencing and it is vital as to how we respond. Hear the full story of what is taking place in the world regarding North Korea, Iran, Israel, America, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some?


   Regardless of what generation we look at, the value of life has not changed; or so it seems. Fatherless Dr. Dobson’s book brings a revealing reality as to how this has changed. When we look at today’s generation, it appears that “fatherless” is an applicable word to describe what is being witnessed today. As some express the value of money to be held to a higher standard than the very people to our left or right, decisions are being made that would have never been considered in past generations. Looking through the lens of just one perspective can cause us to miss out on the whole story. When we look at how a present reality affects multiple people’s lives and how those lives can approach the same situation with entirely different values and motives, we begin to see clearly. This is what Dr. Dobson’s, Fatherless reveals. Hear more about this insightful story, how it applies to the generation of today, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood and the End Game


    There is an ever flowing constant change of events and headlines in the world today. To follow everything and make sense of it all can cause confusion. When we look at the current administration, one is driven to ask the critical question, ”what are they wanting to do in the world?” A brief video of the timeline detailing the formation of what is presently known as the Muslim Brotherhood reveals some insightful truths as to what is happening in our current realities. Dinesh D’souza presented an impactful movie, 2016 asking what was President Obama’s goal for 2016? Could we have a greater awareness as to why things are happening the way that they are? Watch the full video and have a greater understanding of the events that are taking place, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

  God’s Generals; Smith Wigglesworth and just Maybe You?


    When we look back on the profound lives of those that had a major impact for the Kingdom of God and the truth of Jesus, often times we see the mighty testimonies of how God used them, but are unaware of who they were when God called them: simple men and women who had a desire to follow God. Roberts Liardon writes a masterpiece of encouragement through the stories of these great men and women of the past in his book, God’s Generals. Aimee Semple McPherson, Smith Wigglesworth, Jack Coe, and Kathryn Kuhlman are just a few of those who Liardon writes about. Hear more of these exciting stories and testimonies of these generals of the faith, the possibility of the future general in you, and so much more. Greg and John shred in this segment.







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