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Home » WATCH: Police Officer Arrested for Murder after Shooting Walter Scott an African American Citizen in South Carolina.

WATCH: Police Officer Arrested for Murder after Shooting Walter Scott an African American Citizen in South Carolina.


Screen Capture from Youtube.com/Les Grossman 2015

VIDEO: A South Carolina Police Office is recorded on a witness’ camera allegedly murdering Walter Lamar Scott a 50 year old African American Citizen, April 5, 2015 as he ran away from officer Slager as seen in the witness’ video.  See video below.   North Charleston officer Michael Slager was charged with murdering Walter “Lamar” Scott, 50, who died shortly after the Saturday morning incident.  Our hearts and prayers go out to the Walter Lamar Scott family in South Carolina.  This grave injustice has happened to Mr. Scott and we pray our just God will bring justice in this tragedy.  We pray also for those good, fair and just law enforcement officers in Police Departments and Sheriff’s offices

Screen Capture from Youtube.com/Les Grossman 2015

all over America, which are most officers will publicly stand up against this grave injustice and all injustice done in uniform by those few officers who harm American citizens they are sworn to protect and constitutional rights they are sworn to uphold. See the eye witness video and the Walter Scott Family press conference on Walter Scott’s shooting below. 

Let Your justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!  Amos 5:24; “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.”  1 Peter 2:23  This is what the LORD says: “Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvation is close at hand and my righteousness will soon be revealed.  Isaiah 56:1 Learn to do right; seek justice.  Isaiah 1:17

Walter Scott Police Shooting FULL RAW VIDEO. 
[Offensive language and violence in video, Parental Guidance is suggested]

Walter Scott Police Shooting FULL RAW VIDEO. 
[Offensive language and graphic violence in video, Parental Guidance is suggested]

Walter Scott Family Press Conference Walter Scott Police Shooting
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