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Home » Race and the Church: Repenting for the Sins of our Fathers

Race and the Church: Repenting for the Sins of our Fathers


LISTEN NOW! It was a profound moment in time when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. responded to the injustices that were taking place in America in the 1960s. More than 50 years later, the same injustices and realities of pain are still taking place. As the daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Bernice King has expressed her perspective of carrying out her father’s message in today’s generation.


“I have a profound responsibility to carry the next phase of that….I have been called to represent a standard of excellence and integrity…” The call of response upon our generation, as a people, as the church, is no different than it was when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. marched. If there is injustice happening anywhere, to any one individual, we, as the church need to respond; wrap our arms around that situation, and intercede with repentance; especially when acts of injustice have been done in the name of Christ. Bishop T.D. Jakes shares a profound perspective in regards to the racial tensions that are increasing in America, as “God’s judgment on a silent church”. This is the moment when the church can respond mightily in love and humility to a broken reality, at the foot of the Cross. We first have to acknowledge, I have sinned, I have fallen short, and from this place of humility and repentance, we can come together at the Cross of Christ. Hear the full report of the interviews that have taken place, how the Church can move forward in addressing the “Elephant in the room”, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Courtesy of Aleksandar Mijatovic/Shutterstock.com





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